Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why do men feel the need to finish off all the left over’s?

This question is one of those that males tend to look on as a no win situation. Considering we are constantly being asked to pick up this, put away that, questioned as to why we never help in the kitchen or do any cleaning – when we come across a plate with leftovers on it and decide that in order to help you out we should dispose of the extra food (which usually isn’t enough to make a half decent sandwich) you complain! Even after we’ve usually tried to hide, sorry I meant, put the now empty plate in the dishwasher you don’t appear impressed.

That’s the first part of the no win situation as we see it. The second part (as if you aren’t convinced my initial explanation was sufficient) is that we enjoy your cooking/ food preparation so much that we simply can’t run the risk of anyone else having it but ourselves. Do you look on this act as a compliment? I think not.


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