Saturday, March 6, 2010 - Man Romancing a Raccoon

So I recently heard of this website called … or It is a pretty cool concept with a less than impressive execution. You go to the site, and you find three boxes. Two stacked above one another at the left of the screen, and one big one to the right. The two on the left are webcam windows, the one on the bottom shows you, the one on the top shows a random stranger amongst over 20,000 people everytime you hit “next” or F9. The box on the right is a chat page.

You set up your settings to ensure that they can see you without hearing you, see you AND hear you, or neither. Your chances of matching up with somebody greatly decrease if you don’t allow them to see your cam as well. Once you’re all ready, you hit go and it flashes on your webcam (bottom left) and pairs you with some random webcam (top left). You now have the option to chat with this person either via microphone or chat (right big box), or you can hit “Next” (or F9) and find a different persons webcam.

I found this rather strange and for lack of better words, fucked up. But I decided I wouldn’t knock it till I tried it. Turns out is the perverse male’s stomping grounds. First of all, nine out of ten webcams I viewed showed me men (90% males). Out of those nine men, seven of them were shirtless (70% shirtless males). Out of those seven men, five of them were completely naked (50% naked men). Out of those five naked men, four of them were MASTURBATING ON WEBCAM (40% masturbating naked men). Needless to say, I was hitting next faster than…. fast things.

Now you would think that a website that consists 40% of masturbating naked men is incredibly awful as is. But no no… it gets worse. I scrolled through about 50 webcams before I decided enough was enough. During my hour of life wasted on this website, I saw some of the strangest shit I had ever seen. Out of the (approximately) 50 webcams I saw, three of them stood out like a zit on prom night (15% outlying weird ass stuff).

  1. A guy making love to a head of lettuce.
  2. An overweight Asian man with full make up and a pink, lacy bra on.
  3. A man passionately sexing up a plush Raccoon.

Unfortunately, I was caught off guard for the first two, and was unable to print screen them. But I got wise to this website, and decided to have my finger ready to hit print screen the next time I saw something incredibly screwed up… so when I saw the man and his Raccoon… BOOM PRINT SCREEN! The picture below may give some of you nightmares, may make some of you hate Raccoons, but it will make all of you laugh a lot and say “WHAT THE FUCK” out loud… yea, even if nobody is around. Take a look:

"Why didn't you look at me during??"

Yea that’s right folks… a grown man… making love to a toy Raccoon… for all the world to see. I get it, people have different fetish’s… they like to do weird stuff… I’ve honestly heard of it all, and if somebody told me there were people out there that liked submitting their sexuality to a stuffed animal, I wouldn’t even flinch!! Having said that, when you put it on a webcam, for ANYBODY WITH AN INTERNET CONNECTION to see, don’t you think thats a bit risky?! This guy probably has a job… probably has a friend or two (maybe)… he probably leaves his house… is it completely impossible that somebody he may know would see this!?

To wrap up, I’d like to give you forewarning… do NOT waste your life on this website. you will be disappointed beyond repair. It is not as fun and cool as you may think. Try it out, because curiosity will get the best of you (, but once you see it first hand you will feel the same way I do, and you will say to yourself “I wish I listened to Sepy”. And please for the love of god, if you end up LOVING this site, DON’T do anything Raccoon-ish on webcam… you may fall victim to the treacherous PRINT SCREEN button, end up on a blog, and then you will have to move to a different country.


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