Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I tell you, you give somebody a blog, and they become the world's foremost authority.


there are a lot of experts on wordpress,

and a lot of strong opinions.

There are tons of artists,

and legions of writers.

I can barely scribble with crayons,

and I am certainly not a writer.

How did everyone else get so talented?

Sex experts dispense their knowledge

on wordpress. There is an endless sea of

“Secret Confessions of a (stripper/hooker/porn star)” blogs.

Can you blog while having sex?

Political analysts abound.

Why aren’t these people in office?

Religious zealots blog too.

I’ve read a lot of condemnation

of people and religions.

Is religion all about hate?

So what do I know?

I know that talented people

don’t have to tell you they’re talented.

I know that the people trying so hard

to convince others of their expertise,

are usually trying to convince themselves.

I know that there is a lot more

gray than there is black and white.

I know how much I don’t know.

I know I’m not an expert.

[Via http://leroyscandal.wordpress.com]

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