Saturday, March 20, 2010

Todd's thighs

Wow that last post was depressing! I am cheering myself up now remembering Todd.

I met Todd when I was about 19 and he was about 21 or so. He was an arty kind of guy and studying at university, a different one to mine. We were on ski trips with friends and happened to be staying at the same chalet. He was a tall guy, well over my 5′8″. A well-built, healthy man with a ready smile and long brown hair and the most beautiful thighs I had, and have yet to see on a man.

I was quite sexually inexperienced and very shy. My eyes werent lifted often at first, his direct hazel gaze sent waves of confusion and blushes through me. He tried hard to engage me in conversation and eventually I opened up, and we spoke openly and frankly and easily. We found ourselves being more and more separated from the group of friends and finding ourselves in each others company more often. We skiied together, ate together and often found each others company after nights of drinking and revelry. No sex yet, not even shared kisses. I wanted to, very much, but I had no idea how to approach letting him know what I wanted (lol youth).

One night while our friends were drinking we went out for a walk. Todd had told me there was something I must see outside, so we rugged up and went walking in the grounds around our chalet. We were walking snuggled together as it was very cold, wrapped up in our winter jackets and scarves and things. Talking about who-knows-what things that interest 19 year olds. We reached a peak of a small hill, Todd told me to turn off my torch, when I did that and we were standing in darkness, he kissed me, long and passionate, gently but with a forcefulness that made me weak-kneed and spiked me with lust. He whispered in my ear asking whether I would let him make love to me on the stars. I made some confused noise and he pointed to the ground underneath our feet. We were standing on pure, beautiful white snow, and the moon was reflected in the flakes as a million, billion stars. I have rarely seen anything so beautiful. “yes” I breathed.

He placed his jacket on the snow and gently laid me back on it, he stripped himself of all his clothes creating a makeshift nest with his clothes. Now, standing naked and magnificent above me, his thighs pillars of muscle glowing white in the moonlight drawing my eyes to his cock, thick and huge and hard.  His eyes looked black in the night, glaring down at me, he exhaling clouds of cold air, looking like a dragon breathing fire to me.

Kneeling between my legs, taking off my boots, my jeans and my panties with cold, cold fingers. The icy air hitting my hot pussy with a shock to be replaced almost immediately with his hot tongue, the first time a man had performed oral on me. His mouth hot and his tongue probing, my legs and feet so cold… he tucked my feet in under his belly and caressed them to warm them a little. He was tender and kind. His tongue made me cum while I watched the stars overhead and watched the heavens whirl over me. I did feel the earth move that night.

He moved his now icy cold body over me, plunging his hard cock into my hot wetness, he roared – he did! He ROARED when he did entered me! He thrust his hard cock into me over and over, he towered arching, head thrown back over my body, his long hair falling backward.  I watched him, my wide blue eyes taking in his head his arms, his torso glowing in the moonlight, stars and moon behind him. It didn’t take him long to cum, and when he did he looked so fierce, a dragon scowling and snarling, blowing steam and fire from his nostrils as his black eyes took in his conquest.

My God that was a good fuck.


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