Saturday, October 31, 2009

Riskli Seks Pozisyonları

Oral, anal seks ve Kama Sutra… Cinsel yaşamı monotonluktan kurtaran ve daha fazla haz alınmasını sağlayan bu teknikler korunma yöntemlerine özen gösterilmediğinde pek çok hastalığı da beraberinde getiriyor…

Korunmak için prezarvatif etkili bir yöntem olsa da, her teknikte farklı önlem almak gerekiyor!

Cinsel yaşamın hâlâ tabu sayıldığı toplumumuzda “oral”, “anal” ya da Kama Sutra” teknikleri hakkında konuşmak kolay değil hiç kuşkusuz. Ancak bu, özellikle erkeklerin üç teknikten de büyük zevk aldıkları gerçeğini değiştirmiyor. Sadece erkekler mi? Kadınlar da artık bu tür yaklaşımlara sıcak bakıyor ve tabulardan uzak dokunuşların keyfine varmaya çalışıyor. Ancak uzmanlar cinsel yaşama renk katan bu tekniklerin, korunma yöntemleri uygulanmadan gerçekleştirildiği takdirde pek çok hastalığa davetiye çıkardığı uyarısında bulunuyor. Cinsel yolla geçen hastalıkların bulaşmasını önlemede en etkili yol hiç kuşkusuz prezervatif kullanmak. Bu korunma yöntemi doğru kullanıldığında eşlerin vücut sıvılarının birbiriyle temasını belirgin ölçüde önleyerek yüzde 85 – 95 oranında koruma sağlıyor. Ayrıca vajen, klitoris ile anüsü kaplayan ve ateksten yapılmış bir çeşit örtü bariyer metodu olan Denta Dam da eşleri pek çok hastalıktan uzak tutabiliyor. Cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklardan korunmak için almanız gereken yöntemler bunlarla sınırlı değil elbette…


Ağız ve cinsel organlar vücudun kolayca uyarılabilen erojen bölgelerini oluşturuyor. Ağzın ve cinsel organların hassas erojen bölgeler olması ve yoğun uyarı ile haz vermesi bu buluşmayı kaçınılmaz kılıyor. Yapılan araştırmalara göre, oral ilişki, günümüzde ergenlik çağı dahil tüm yaş grubundaki çiftler tarafından uygulanıyor. Hamileliğe yol açmadığı için de çiftler tarafından sıklıkla tercih edilen bir ilişki şeklini oluşturuyor. Ancak vajinal ya da anal seksteki kadar yüksek olmasa bile oral ilişki de çeşitli hastalıklara davetiye çıkarıyor…

Amerikada CDC in Hastalık Kontrol Merkezi verilerine göre, HIV vb. enfeksiyonların prezervatif kullanılmadığında oral ilişki yoluyla geçiş riski onbinde 4 dolaylarında seyrediyor. Oral ilişkiyle hastalıkların bulaşma riski çok düşük seyretse de, görüldüğü gibi bu yöntem tamamen güvenli değil. Dolayısıyla oral ilişki sırasında cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklardan korunmak amacıyla mutlaka prezervatif kullanmak gerekiyor.


- Tanımadığınız kişilerle ilişkiye girmeyin.

- Tek eşliliği benimseyin. Eşinizin de ilişkinize sadık kaldığından emin olun.

- Ağzınızda ülser ya da kanamalı aftöz yaraları varsa oral ilişkiden kaçının. Yaralar enfeksiyonun bulaşmasına adeta davetiye çıkarır.

- İlişki öncesinde duş almayı ihmal etmeyin. Ellerinizi de iyice yıkamaya özen gösterin.

- Enfeksiyon riskini arttıracağı için oral ilişki öncesinde dişlerinizi fırçalamayın.

- Erkeklere yapılan oral ilişkide, cinsel birleşmede olduğu gibi lateks prezervatiflerden yararlanmalı…












The almost affair to remember...

I come to Paris often on business but that doesn’t mean I ever take it for granted.  When I spend time in Paris it’s as if I live there. I frequent the local markets, even though I’m only taking fruit back to my hotel room, I eat in local cafes, and I walk and read in the parks.  I feel at home there. 

One Sunday evening I had decided to go to a café in my neighborhood, the 17th arrondissement, for dinner.  The waiter seated me in the window so I could watch les Parisiennes passing by – effortlessly chic in their casual attire.  How do they do it, I wondered.  There was nothing effortless about it for me, I sometimes felt like I was trying too hard to blend in – a dead give away if ever there was one.    

I’m not quite sure who noticed who first but when I glanced up I caught the eye of a man walking by.  He smiled. I smiled.  He continued on.

 He then turned around and backtracked a few steps.  He was very handsome in a way that usually appeals to me.  He was tall with dark russet colored hair that curled about his neck and a neatly trimmed beard; call it Hugo Boss meets Patagonia.  He looked at me and made a sign that indicated that he wanted to approach. I shrugged because really, what’s the use I thought.

 He inclined his head to try again and so figured, oh why not.  And I beckoned him into the restaurant.  After a brief flirtatious conversation he asked me out to dinner for the next night.  And I accepted.

 We agreed to a time and a place and he left but not before taking my hand and kissing it. Just as he was about to go he turned back, smiled and said, “You have beautiful eyes.”  

 His name was Dominico (Mino) and he was originally from Sicily.  Great I thought another Italian man (my past is littered with them) and in Paris of all places.   It was the Latin factor times two…just what I was getting myself into.

 The next evening, we met at the appointed time and place and he was as charming and as attentive as the day before. Since this was his neighborhood, he took me to nearby chic café for a drink before heading off to a local Italian restaurant for dinner.  Walking and talking the conversation was light and just slightly suggestive of what Mino had in mind for “dessert.” 

 And while I had spent the day considering my options and thinking about what I would like, I had firmly decided that it would be only dinner this time. Since I came to Paris often there would always be other opportunities. But I wasn’t about to show my cards too early and define the parameters of the evening because after all, I could still change my mind. 

 I learned quite a bit about Mino over drinks that night, although how much of it was true I couldn’t say. An art dealer by profession he had lived in several countries before making his home in France. He had just built a home in St. Barts and kept a house in Spain as well as an ancestral place in Sicily.  He was kind enough to invite me to all of them.

 Rather than get caught up in the hype, I found myself more like a disinterested observer.  I was in control here and could say yes or no as it pleased me.  And so far it pleased me to say no.  He was charming and courteous and he punctuated his conversation with just enough fleeting physical contact to make me feel desired without coming on too strong. He was very good but I wasn’t falling for any of it, not this time.

 I found his Sicilian bravado and self confidence entertaining. And despite the fact that the average Sicilian man ensures that his lover has at least five orgasms to his one, it wasn’t long before Mino realized that it would likely take more than this one night to demonstrate his ethnic prowess.  Not that it wasn’t tempting — it was — especially since the last time I had sex was, well I don’t even want to think about it.  And I although was really missing the physical contact coupling brings, this time I decided to let my head overrule my hormones.

 Every time I steered the conversation away from the topic of making love, because he didn’t just have “sex”, he seemed a bit more discouraged. Up until this point he had ignored cell phone calls but it wasn’t long before he had to take a call from his cleaning lady. Apparently she had lost the key to his apartment and couldn’t lock the door.  Even more than his house in St. Barts, I was very impressed by the fact that he had a cleaning lady that worked evenings.  He smoothly explained that a late afternoon meeting with clients at his place left it in a bit of a mess and as such, it needed some tidying up. 

But perhaps having a clean apartment wasn’t as urgent as he once thought.  Even if I had decided to sleep with him, it certainly wouldn’t have been at his place.  That was very presumptuous and potentially dangerous.  So rather than leave his art-filled apartment open and vulnerable, and since he lived in the neighborhood, I suggested that he go and lock up while I waited for him at the café.  I knew it would be a long wait.

 I decided to give Mino the benefit of the doubt and so I gave him 30 minutes. During that time I finished my glass of wine and his, and I had a nice chat with the waiter.  And then I paid the bill.  Yes, I paid it and was glad to do so because this evening had cost me far less then it could have had I fallen for this handsome man on a rainy night in Paris.

 In the not too distant past I would have naively mistaken Mino’s intentions for true interest. I would have enjoyed my night and would have wanted more, I always want more especially when there’s none to be had.  Rather than be upset or disappointed I was amused at the turn of events and rather proud of the fact that I had navigated Mino and my biological desires so well. That night I walked back to the hotel with a smile on my face that had nothing to do with sex, imagine?



 *excerpted and condensed from my book








Thursday, October 29, 2009

En iyi ilaç: Seks

Yağ yakıyor, yatıştırıyor, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendiriyor, ömür uzatıyor… Marifetlerin sahibi mucizevi bir ilaç değil, iyi bir seks.

Seks yapmak sadece iyi hissetmenizi sağlamıyor; aynı zamanda kalorileri yakıyor, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendiriyor ve hatta kanser riskini bile azaltıyor. Seks sonrasında vücut ‘mutluluk hormonuda denilen endorfin salgılıyor. Fiziksel açıdan egzersiz yapmak veya yüzmekten çok da farklı olmayan cinsel ilişki, kendine saygı ve değerli hissetme gibi duyguları da ortaya çıkarıyor.

Sonuçlar, Teksas ve Wilkes Üniversitesi araştırmacılarının çalışmalarından. Biological Psychology, British Journal of Urilogy adlı yayınlarda yer alan çalışmalar da bu tezi destekliyor. Çalışmalara göre, iyi cinsel deneyim kişileri anksiyete ve depresyondan da uzaklaştırıyor. Orgazm sırasında üretilen oksitoksinin uyandırdığı olumlu psikolojik ve fiziksel etkiler arasında uykuya geçişte kolaylık da var.

Orgazm, doğal yatıştırıcı

Cinsel tıp uzmanı Dr. David Delvin “Pek çok insan seksi uykuyu kolaylaştırmak için kullanıyor. Uyarılma ve orgazm sırasında salgılanan oksitoksin doğal bir yatıştırıcı işlevine sahip” diyor.

Seksin kazandırdıklarından biri de stresle mücadeleyi kolaylaştırması. Uzman grupların çalışmaları, seks yapmış kişilerin toplum önünde konuşma, matematiksel hesaplar yapma gibi stres senaryolarına daha olumlu tepki verdiklerini gösteriyor. Haftada bir veya iki kez cinsel ilişkiye girmek bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirip soğuk algınlığı ve enfeksiyonlardan koruyor. Psikoseksüel terapist Paula Hall’a göre iyi hissetmek hastalıklarla savaşmaya yardımcı oluyor.

Kanser riskini de azaltıyor

Düzenli seks erkeklerde ileri yaşlarda prostat kanserini önlemekte de etkili. 20’li yaşlarında haftada en az beş kere cinsel ilişkiye giren erkeklerde ileride prostat ortaya çıkması riski üçte birdan az. Ayda birden az sıklıkta cinsel ilişkiye giren kadınlardaysa göğüs kanseri riski daha fazla.

Seks sırasında salgılanan endorfin doğal ağrı kesici olduğundan migren, sırt ağrısı, artrit ve adet sancılarında ağrıyı azaltıyor. Cinsel ilişki kalori yakmaya da yardımcı. Yarım saatlik bir seks performansı en az 85 kalori yakıyor. İyi bir cinsel hayatın getirdiği güçlü ilişkiler ömrün uzamasına yardımcı oluyor.






Is It Cheating if She's Dying?

Q: I’ve known Bill for years; he is a sweet, married guy about ten years older than me, and though there has always been great chemistry between us, I’ve never acted on it, and neither has he. He was always very dedicated to his wife, especially in the last few years, as she has been very ill. She is now living in a hospice, and she’s pretty incapacitated. Bill approached me a week ago saying that he and his wife had discussed it, and she’s OK with him having sex with other women since she is unable to. Do you think I should?

Mr. Wednesday: For anyone out there who unaware of this (you my dear included), a hospice is a place you go when you’re on the verge of checking out. It’s the end of the line. There’s nowhere to go after you get there, and nothing to do there besides read, watch television and contemplate whether all that stuff they told you about the afterlife was true, or just intended to make people situation feel better about saying goodbye to everything and everyone they’ve ever known. It’s no joke. In fact, it’s about as far from a joke as things get.

Now, with that in mind, assuming this guy is telling the truth (which I doubt), it seems clear that this poor woman is trying to spend her last days on earth making her husband happy. He means that much to her. But I have a strong inkling that what she really wants to hear from him, is not “thanks, see you in a few hours when I’ve satisfied myself with some hot and very healthy young babe.” Instead, what she wants to hear is “thanks, but I really couldn’t do this to you.” So why not give her that? Why not let her slip away in the naive belief that her husband is a decent, loving man instead of the asshole that he obviously is.

I suppose there is a chance that this Bill character is not making it all up and this woman will die truly happy in the thought that her husband is getting his rocks off while she’s wondering whether she’s going to meet a horde of harp playing angels, eternal fire or just darkness – even happier than she would knowing that he has been faithful to the end. But unless Bill and Mrs. Bill are hard core swingers, I’m not buying that.

Death and loss are serious stuff – about as serious as stuff can get. Your Bill’s response to them is totally inappropriate. Either he is so distraught over the likely loss of his wife that he is trying to alleviate his pain by putting sexual pleasure ahead of grief, or he’s just emotionally bereft. Neither is good. Think about it. He’s in the hospice room, unsure if this is the last time he’ll ever speak to his dying wife and he chooses to engage in a conversation about his own sexual gratification? Is that the type of man you want to be with? Are you really going to feel good about yourself, knowing that you took your relationship to the next level while his wife was doing the death rattle? Is that what you want to tell your friends and family? Well that’s what he’s suggesting.

Your best bet is to turn around and walk away before your pathologies get caught up in his more than they already have. But if you are inclined to stick around and go through with this, I suggest you do one thing before making your decision – go to the hospice and find out for yourself how Mrs. Bill feels about it. I have a feeling Mr. Bill will insist that doing such a thing would be far too upsetting for her. That is about the only thing he says about it that you should believe.

The guy is seriously twisted. But in the end, what you decide says as much about you as it does about him. So if you do go through with this, both of you will get what you deserve – each other.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Den första gång jag såg dig

Så här ser jag ut. Duger jag?

Sa du när vi sågs första gången. Det var mörkt, kallt och blåsigt. Söndagskväll den 12 januari.

Jag tänkte herregud så stor du är.
Jag tyckte om ditt leende.
Jag tyckte om hur jag bara gick rakt in i din famn. Näsan mot din jacka och blixtlåset mot min kind.

Vi promenerade i flera timmar. Passerade de gamla villorna med sina upplysta fönster. Pratade om barnen. Om livet. Och kärleken.

Stannade till på strandpromenaden och tittade på ljusen på den danska sidan. Det värkte i mitt öra av vinden och jag fällde upp hättan.

Du stannade till och vände dig mot mig. Sa att jag var vacker. Jag såg rakt in i dina lysande blå ögon och undrade hur det skulle kännas att kyssa dig.

Jag tyckte om din röst. Orden. Dina tankar. Skrattet och allvaret. Pirret i kroppen när jag såg på dina händer.

Efter att ha köpt sallad till chilin som jag hade tagit fram ur frysen tidigare gick vi hem. Pratade oavbrutet tills långt efter midnatt. Jag var så trött att jag knappt kunde se men ville inte att du skulle gå. Undrade hur din kind skulle kännas under mina fingertoppar.

Till slut åkte du. Jag somnade direkt. Trygg, med ett glädjepickande i hjärtat.

Tre dagar senare kom du igen. Och stannade.

Det är snart två år sedan.

Video Mesum Itu Diiringi Lagu Dangdut

Dunia pendidikan Jatim kembali tercoreng. Setelah Kediri heboh video mesum pelajar SMAN 6 Kediri hingga melahirkan SK Kepala Dinas Pendidikan soal larangan membawa ponsel di sekolah, kali ini video hot beredar dari ponsel ke ponsel di Kertosono, Nganjuk.

Kalangan pelajar di daerah itu dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video porno dengan pemeran utama diduga siswi SMAN Kertosono, yang lebih dikenal dengan Smaker. Sedangkan bintang pria adalah pacarnya, alumni sebuah SMA di Kertosono.

Tak tanggung-tanggung, durasi rekaman adegan hot itu berlangsung selama 26 menit 15 detik. Dalam rekaman terlihat, dua sejoli yang masih berusia belasan tahun alias ABG (anak baru gede) itu berbuat layaknya suami istri di sebuah kamar.

Rekaman adegan itu berlangsung lama, karena keduanya melakukan perbuatan tak senonoh itu dengan berbagai macam gaya layaknya adegan dalam fim-film biru.

Semua adegan direkam dengan iringan lagu dangdut. Semua adegan yang terekam utuh itu diduga diambil orang dekat pelaku tanpa sepengetahuan keduanya.
Melihat kualitas gambarnya, rekaman tersebut diduga diambil dengan menggunakan ponsel berkamera. Belum diperoleh keterangan pasti kapan aksi pornografi tersebut dibuat. Saat ini, video tersebut telah beredar luas di Kertosono dan Nganjuk.

Beberapa versi menyebutkan sejumlah lokasi pengambilan gambar. Ada yang menyebutkan gambar itu diambil di sebuah rumah di salah satu gang di Kertosono. Ada pula yang menyebukan bahwa tempat pembuatan di wilayah Patian Rowo.

Beberapa pelajar yang ditemui Surya menyebutkan bahwa video mesum itu diperankan siswi SMA Negeri di Kertosono. “Katanya anak kelas 3,” kata siswa ini.

Sedangkan peman prianya yang dalam gambar terlihat berambut cepak itu tak diketahui nama dan asal desanya.

Beberapa siswa lainnya mengatakan video tersebut sudah beredar sejak awal bulan ini. Diawali peredaran di antara para pelajar, terutama para siswa baik negeri maupun swasta di Kertosono. Belakangan beberapa siswa SMAN Kertosono mengaku mengenal cewek di video itu.

Beberapa siswa ada yang menyebutkan, siswi dalam video itu sudah lulus Juli 2009 lalu. Namun ada juga yang mengatakan siswi ini baru saja dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Juga disebut-sebut, siswi ini merupakan warga Desa Nglawak, Kertosono.

Saat hal tersebut dikonfirmasikan ke SMAN Kertosono, pihak sekolah terkesan bungkam. “Sebaiknya masalah video porno itu biar satu pintu saja, kepala sekolah saja yang menjelaskan,” kata Nurhadi, Wakil Kepala Sekolah (Wakasek) Bidang Humas.

Ketika didesak apakah siswi tersebut saat ini masih sekolah atau sudah keluar, Nurhadi tetap tidak mau menjawab.

Meski begitu, Humas Smaker yang ditemani dua guru yang lain ini mengaku memang pernah mendengar soal video porno tersebut. “Biar Bapak Kasek saja yang menjelaskan, tapi masih rapat di Nganjuk,” tegasnya.

Hingga tadi malam, pihak Dinas Pendidikan Nganjuk belum bisa dikonfirmasi. Sementara Kapolsek Kertosono AKP Sukarlin menyatakan saat ini pihaknya tengah menelusuri video porno tersebut.

“Kami sudah bergerak sejak seminggu yang lalu. Guru BP di SMA Negeri Kertosono juga mengakui bahwa siswi di video porno itu adalah siswa kelas tiga,” terang Sukarlin.

Penasihat Dewan Pendidkan Jatim Daniel M Rosyid menyatakan maraknya video porno di kalangan pelajar membuktikan adanya potensi anak muda yang besar tapi tidak terarah.

Kondisi itu bisa terjadi karena guru dan sekolah gagal memanfaatkan teknologi untuk kepentingan belajar. Jadinya teknologi yang mejadi murah dan berada dalam genggaman para pelajar dengan mudah disalahgunakan.

“Banyak guru yang tidak mengerti teknologi dan menggunakan cara-cara lama sehingga banyak sekolah membosankan dan anak-anak jadi korban teknologi informasi,” tegas Daniel menjawab Surya, Senin (26/10).

Ia menilai guru tidak berhasil menghubungkan dunia pendidikan dan teknologi dengan kondisi di sekitarnya.

Sebagai solusi, Daniel justru keberatan jika ada aturan yang melarang penggunaan ponsel di kalangan pelajar dan guru di sekolah. Menurutnya, kemampuan guru adalah yang utama.

Ia menyarankan supaya guru bisa lebih menguasai dan memperkaya keterampilan IT. Selain bisa membendung dan mengarahkan potensi pelajar agar tidak terjerumus, keterampilan IT juga bisa menjadi syarat kompetensi yang harus dipenuhi guru saat ini.

“Jadikan sekolah sebagai ruang ekspresi pelajar secara positif, jangan justru menjadi ruang ekspresi guru saja,” papar Daniel.

Pelajar justru sebisa mungkin diarahkan untuk menggunakan teknologi secara produktif dan edukatif. Melalui integrasi pembelajaran yang akrab dan mengasyikkan, pelajar bisa diarahkan bagaimana memanfaatkan fitur-fitur yang ada pada ponsel untuk tugas penelitian, editing, sampai presentasi.

Dengan demikian, pelajar akan disibukkan degan tugas-tugas yang mengasyikkan supaya bisa mengoptimalkan rasa ingin tahu anak-anak yang besar yang sebenarnya jadi modal penting untuk belajar, bukan untuk melakukan hal negatif.

Sumber :

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Şunu bilmemiz gerekiyor ki erkekler için zaman zaman cinsel isteği kaybetmek normal bir durum. Onu geri kazandırmaksa elimizde! Bugüne dek hemen hemen her sevişmeyi eşiniz başlattıysa, biraz zorlanacaksınız, ama minik seks oyunlarıyla sevişmeyi başlattığınızda emin olun, daha çok zevk alacaksınız.

Çekingenliği bir kenara bırakmayı öğrenmelisiniz. İstekli olduğunuzu göstermek, karşı tarafı da ateşleyecektir.

Giysiniz seksapelinizi yansıtsın

Erkekler, kadınlara göre görsellikten daha fazla etkilenip uyarılabiliyorlar. Ne giydiğiniz, nasıl oturduğunuz, bakışlarınız onu baştan çıkarmak için önemli. Örneğin üzerinizdeki mini elbisenin içinde seksi iç çamaşırınız kendini belli etmeli. Oturuşunuza seksapel katmayı ihmal etmemeli, eşinizin gözlerinin içine uzun bakışlar fırlatmalısınız.

İç gıcıklayıcı bir parfüm, seksin en güçlü ateşleyicisidir. Rüzgarınızın güzel bir etki bırakması için parfümü tüm vücudunuza yayarak sürün. Ancak eşinizin eve girmesine az zaman kala değil, daha önceden sürün ki, keskinliği azalsın.

Bu gece sevişmeye kesin kararlıysanız, işe güzel bir yemek hazırlamakla başlayın. Ancak yemeği siz de eşiniz de fazla kaçırmamalı. Zira yemek sonrası üzerinize bir ağırlık çöküp de uyku basınca, bütün gün kurduğunuz ateşli gece hayalinizin suya düşmesi işten bile değil.

Yemekten sonra loş bir ortam yaratın. Eşiniz kokuya karşı duyarlı biriyse, kokulu mumlar yakın. Fonda hafif bir müziği es geçmemelisiniz. Tüm bunlar, sizin her şeyinizle seks istediğinizin sinyallerini verecek karşı tarafa.

Kışkırtıcı tensel temas

Tensel temasa, onun vücuduna hafifçe dokunarak, okşayarak başlayın. Ayak parmağınızın ucuyla ayaklarına dokunmak, işaret parmağınızı kulağının çevresinde ve arkasında yavaşça gezdirmek, yüzünüzü ona yaklaştırarak, nefesinizi hissetmesini sağlamak tahrik edici olabilir.

Tamamen çıplak olmaktansa yarı çıplaklık ya da giyinik bir halde kıyafetin altından tensel temas her zaman daha erotiktir. Gömleğini tamamen çıkarmak yerine üstten bir ya da iki düğmeyi açık bırakmayı tercih edin. Aynı durum sizin giysileriniz için de geçerli.

Bugüne dek iyi giden bir seks hayatınız olduysa, eşinizin erojen bölgelerini tanıyorsunuzdur. Ya da yenilerini keşfetmek niyetindeyseniz elleriniz bu arayışınıza cevap bulacaktır. Boyun, omuzlar, kulak memesi, dudak köşesi, göğüs, minik öpüşlerinizi kondurabileceğiniz hassas bölgeler. Saçlarınızı göğsünde gezdirmeyi deneyin bir de. Bazı erkekler, sesten de tahrik olabilirler. Kulağına yavaşça erotik sözler fısıldamaktan çekinmeyin.

Tahrik edici bir film

Henüz amacınıza ulaşmadıysanız, içinde tahrik edici sevişme sahneleri barındıran güzel bir film seçin. Tabii ona filmin içeriğinden bahsetmeyin. “Hadi, film izleyelim” teklifinde bulunun sadece. Wayne Wang imzalı “The Center of the World” adlı filmi size bu konuda yardım edebilir.

Unutmayın, sevişmeyi başlatmanın bin yolu varsa, en önemlisi, onu karşı tarafa hatırlatmayı sağlayacak yolu bulmak! Yüzde yüz samimiyet varsa, küçük bir bakış bile yeterli aslında.

Yorgun olmak, stresli günler geçirmek seksten uzaklaşmanın en basit nedenleri. Bunlar sıradan ve geçici evreler olarak kabul ediliyor. Eşinizle aranızda böyle bir durum varsa, gerçekten büyük bir sorun olmadığı konusunda içinizi rahat tutun.

Ancak düzenli bir seks yaşamınız varken, eşiniz aniden ve hiçbir neden olmadan sekse ilgisini yitirdiyse, çabalarınız sonuç vermiyorsa ve sekssiz geçen süre altı ayı buluyorsa, temelde yatan bir tıbbi problemden şüphelenmelisiniz. Problem bir süre devam eder ve eşinizle bundan kaynaklanan tartışmalar başlarsa, bir danışmanla görüşüp, konuyu nasıl açacağınız konusunda destek isteyebilirsiniz.


(BREAKING) "LETALVIS" DICK SUCKER "MARY ANN" TO COME FORWARD & EXPOSE "TRUTH" ABOUT CHANNON? Did Mary Teach Chan How to Suck Black Dick? has received unconfirmed reports that the mysterious “Mary Ann,” a white woman sucking thug sex symbol Letalvis Cobbins’ meat whose picture showed up online shortly before his trial, is expected to come forward and reveal the alleged true relationship between Channon Christian, Chris Newsom and black male felon icon Lemaricus Davidson.

Some in the Knoxville GBR community believe Lemaricus introduced Christian to “Mary Ann” to teach her how to suck a black man’s dick.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Spiritual Ecstacy

He’s imposing, commanding even when He speaks softly into the cathedraled hall.  His voice carries, marries with my moans as my body succumbs yet again to this unequalled bliss.

The Beast growls and roars, a sound both terrible and beautiful, majestic and exotic.  I writhe under its impact, my flesh struck by chords outside the register of my very human hearing.  I respond nonetheless, sensation spreading like fire, heat moving now through my bloodstream, my arteries swelling with this uncanny cargo.

The nucleus of each cell is pregnant with His power.  In my ripened state I sprawl, wanton now. His Presence inside of me, carried synaptically  throughout my being, I feel Him everywhere at once.  My own cries fly to the rafters, nesting like dark birds, wings fluttering like my lashes.


A new church is added to our Dark Diocese.

We need only enter for the deconsecration to begin.  Not of the structure itself, but of the flock.  perhaps but one soul will feel the impact of our passing, sensing the chill much as one feels a tremor upon the flesh when lying in the hot sun, a confusion of sensation, both hot and cold merging.

Black water swirling where fresh and salt meet.  Black waters of the soul.  Who will be swept into the current, unable to resist the tide of His demand?

I have waited for Him my entire life.  He is the Bringer of Light and reason.  The One who encourages questions, promotes reason.  He is the Son of the Morning, the morning star, its light bringing a clarity to thought that is all too often missing in the circularity of the hive mind.

He is the Lord of the Earth, The Green Man encouraging growth and decay, seasons of life springing beneath his tendriled tread.  His gifts include incomparable pleasures for which I worship Him in grateful abandon.

My cunt is wet and full of His cock even when He’s miles away.  I am impaled by His Presence at all times and know His whispered command as it breathes through my lungs, sings in my blood, expands my mind.  I can hear His laughter now and know I’ve been touched, marked, claimed.

“To Thine Own Self Be True.”

Lustloser Herbst?

Das holländische 100% NL Magazine hat eine Umfrage unter den holländischen Frauen durchgeführt und gefragt, in welcher Jahreszeit sie sexuell am aktivsten seien. Schlusslicht bei der Umfrage ist der Herbst mit 11%, dann kommt der offenbar vielfach überschätzte Frühling mit 16%, darauf folgt mit 27% der Winter und an der Spitze steht mit 46% der Sommer.

Dieser ist aber leider schon seit ein paar Wochen zuende – und nun haben wir den Salat, äh…Herbst.

Was kann man da machen? Vor allem, sich nicht von Umfragen irritieren lassen! Der Herbst bietet viele Möglichkeiten zum Kuscheln, es wird kalt und ungemütlich draußen – eine gute Gelegenheit, sich drinnen ein warmes Liebesnest einzurichten.

Und vielleicht Zeit für eine fantasievolle Verabredung (1) mit dem Liebsten oder der Liebsten (2). Vielleicht bei dieser Gelegenheit ein schönes neues Spielzeug ausprobieren (3)? Und auch, wenn es einfach “nur” routine Sex wird (4) – Sex wird im Laufe der Beziehung immer besser (5)!

…und nicht vergessen, immer mal bei jadesaft herein zu schauen. Wir werden uns auch in den dunklen Herbstmonaten mit interessanten Themen beschäftigen


(1) = Ein kleiner Tipp zum Thema Fantasie…
(2) = Sex nach Vereinbarung
(3) = Lustspender im Jadespiel
(4) = “Nur“ Routine-Sex?
(5) = Warum Sex im Laufe einer Beziehung immer besser wird

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene

This is my prayer to my patroness, St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene, penitent who had the courage to wash Jesus’ feet with your tears and dry them with your hair, pray for me to your friend, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that He will grant me the great gifts you were given.

Ask Him to teach me your penitence, that I may weep at His feet for forgiveness of my sins, as you did.
Ask Him to show me a penance as perfect as yours, that I may serve Him as perfectly as you did.
Ask Him to show me the miracle of His resurrection with the clarity He showed it to you.
Ask Him to teach me humility, for while my sin of pride was not as great as yours in your sin, I am still too proud of my beauty and do not use it for His purposes.
Ask Him to grant me the peace and the joy of serving Him that he taught to you.
Ask Him, as He cast seven devils from you, to drive the devil’s influence from my life.
Ask Him to show me the forgiveness He showed to you, as I weep at His feet.

Pray for me, St. Mary Magdalene, that I may find my way out of sin and perfectly into His service as you did.

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Love Polygon in the White House; Mazatlan Gets What is Left of Hurricane Rick

Most “Active” President?

On This Date in History: On October 22, 1919 a baby girl named Elizabeth Ann was born to Nan Britton. That was no big deal to most people, unless you were aspiring to become President of the United States.

The Lovely Couple

Ohio Senator Warren G. Harding won his first term as Senator in 1914. He said he found the upper chamber of the Congress “a very pleasing place.” He was handsome and popular, having served in the Ohio State Senate and as Ohio Lt. Governor, though he lost a bid for Governor. He gave the nominated speech for President Taft at the 1912 Republican Convention. Let’s see…first term Senator from Midwest…handsome….popular…active in state politics and key speaker at a convention. Sound familiar?

Anyway, there was a snarl in the nominating process at the 1920 Republican convention and in one of those “smoke filled room” stories, party leaders agreed to make Harding the candidate. It is unclear if those party leaders would have even considered Harding had they known of his affection for the ladies.

Florence Harding: Infintesimally Scorned Woman?

In 1927, 3 years after Harding’s death, Nan Britton published a book called The President’s Daughter. In it, she claimed that she had fallen in love with Harding when he was 45 and she was but 14! In 1917, Nan moved from Ohio to New York and wrote Harding for help in finding a job. She said he came to her and “tucked $30 in my brand new silk stocking.” She claimed that they had a long romance but that she had burned all of the love letters that he had written her as per an agreement between them. She said that he had burned her letters too but, after his death, the real Mrs. Harding, burned all of his correspondence and up in smoke went any corroborating evidence. But, the charge remained that Elizabeth Ann was the only child of Warren G. Harding.

Wife of Harding's Friend

Warren G. Harding love letters to his mistress did eventually show up. Trouble is, they weren’t to Nan Britton but instead belonged to Carrie Phillips, the Ohio wife of one of Harding’s best friends. Not sure if that makes Warren his best man. The letters show that Carrie “was the love of Harding’s life.” Their 10 year affair began in 1909 when the two couples were touring Europe. I’m trying to figure out what Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Harding were doing when Mr. Harding and Mrs. Phillips were horsing around. Anyway, Warren didn’t just write letters to Phillips, he wrote novels. They were often as long as 40 pages and were sexually explicit.

But…there’s more! People today often try to make up excuses for their behavior. Well, Warren’s not around to do that but he has modern clinical analysts to do his bidding. There is a school of thought that President Harding was a victim of satyriasis. That is an unmangeable, excessive need for sex. They point to the fact that he kept a room next to the Oval Office reserved for quick action with any number of women that may wander his way. They also suggest it as a reason for his habit of writing such long, rambling, graphic love letters.

Teapot Dome Scandal Was A Big Deal

I don’t know about all of that but I do think that, aside from the Teapot Dome Scandal, this type of catting around may be a good reason why many scholars over the years tried to make the case that when he died in 1923 it was murder and not food poisoning followed by a heart attack. If it was murder, it sounds as if there would be a long list of suspects, starting with Mrs. Harding and then carrying on through a long list of women as well as their husbands, boyfriends and fathers. One thing for certain, if a love triangle involves 3 people, then Warren G. Harding would have to be described as being involved in a love polygon.

Fools Challenge Waves in Mazatlan-Click for AP Gallery

Hurricane Rick…No Tropical Storm Rick…No More  I reported yesterday that I wasn’t too enthused about Hurricane Rick, even when it was blowing and going as a full blown category 5 hurricane.  That’s because of its proximity of cold water and its slow movement.  The media tried to hype it up and make it sound as a fact that it was going to blow Baja California off the map.  Well, Tropical Storm Rick ran into cold water and has moved into northern Mexico north of Mazatlan.  It is already disappaiting over the foothills of the Sierra Madre.  The reports say that it may drop an inch of rain inland.  Sounds like no big deal, right? Well, some of the areas where the rain will fall are desert regions and so an inch of rain in a relatively short period of time can cause flooding concerns.

Friday 8 AM

Weather Bottom Line:  We have a somewhat complicated situation coming up, but I suppose not too much so and also not unusual.  An area of low pressure will be coming out of the South-Central plains into our region from the mid-Mississippi Valley.  Also a cold front will be sinking down from the north.  As a warm front tries to lift our way on Thursday ahead of the front, high clouds will build up until over-running moisture is such that rain chances go up on Thursday night and they stick around all day Friday.  The GFS is throwing out 1.23″ of rain from Thurs. night into early Saturday morning while the NAM advertises 1.38″.  The NWS is suggesting something a bit more might be possible and that would certainly be a good call.  The weekend looks pretty good with clouds moving out by Saturday afternoon. It will be cool though with highs not getting to the 60’s until at least the early part of next week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Några ord om välgörenhet

Nu är det ju så att välgörenhet kan vara väldigt många saker… De flesta tänker nog på att man ska ge bort pengar.

Jag vet att om jag hade massor utav pengar så skulle jag faktiskt ge bort en hel del… Inte så mycket att min egen möjlighet till ett liv i flärd och lyx försvann, men ändå en anseenlig summa.

Skulle ge till barn som inte får någon mat, till de hemlösa och till djur som folk är elaka emot… Bl.a…

Men välgörenhet kan ju vara så mycket mera oxå!

Om man nu inte har så himla mycket pengar, så kan man göra andra saker!

Om man har en väldigt gravid fru, så kan man ligga med henne!

Det är oxå välgörenhet!

Det är inte roligt för gravida fruar att kräkas och blöda näsblod varenda jvla morgon…

Eller kissa på sig pyttelite varje gång som man hostar eller nyser, är gravida frun dessutom förkyld så kan ju detta  hända ganska många gånger varje dag…

Halsbränna är inte heller jättekul och inte foglossning…

Och tre veckor är en väldigt, väldigt lång tid!


Men å andra sidan så kan man ju åka till IKEAs “ta det själv lager” och bära runt på lite kartonger… Liksom organissera upp lite där bland hyllorna.

Då förenar man oxå nytta med nöje.

Ja, hur som hellst så har jag ju satt mig i båten och då får jag väl ro hem oxå… Är det inte så man säger?

Men egentligen är det ju så att min man knuffade ner mig i båten, så då borde han ro lite oxå…

Liksom lite bildligt talat sådär…

Heart Transplant

In marrying Julie I settled for less  I didn’t exactly know it because she communicated and showed a person to me who was not who she really was.  I told her exactly who I was and what I was looking for.  She wanted to be that type of person but had not had the discipline or made the right choices to become that person.  Deep down she believed our relationship would change her into that person like some magic potient.  She hoped all the years of her poor choices and rebellious behavior would vanish.  

She failed to realize marriage is hardwork, especially with the heavy baggage of promiscuity and adultery.  I did understand all the dynamics or expect the outcome that occurred.  As humans we expect the fruit someone else has grown thru the virtues of self-control, discipline, purity, etc even when we haven’t live such virtues.  It never happens that way nor can it.  The Father expects us to yield to Him and work out the grace, love, and cleansing He is willing to work in.

Julie tried to show things on the outside that weren’t on the inside.  Her anger and bitterness kept her from looking on the inside.  I think she was afraid of what she would find – her responsibility in what she had become.  Her blaming of everyone else from men in general, to her brothers, to her father, her mother and finally of me, her husband was a smoke and mirrors means to keeping herself from truly looking in.  She would do many nice things for me during our marriage, but I could tell in many of her subtle attitudes towards me that we were missing a connection.  What she expected of me she did not expect of herself. 

As our marriage went on I was the primary one to blame.  She would only admit to having some issues as well, but I was the main problem.  So, I would take responsibility for issues and problems that weren’t my responsibility.  This always leads to frustration and destruction in the end.  Julie didn’t see she wasn’t close to the person she portrayed herself to be – the person she wanted to be. 

I settled for less by choosing Julie, because Julie had settled for less in how she live many years before I met her.  Following Christ isn’t a magical formula where one becomes the ideal he/she thinks he/she should be.  Surrendering one’s past to Christ is a humiliating and painful endeavor.  It means a heart transplant of the ulitmate kind.  Many times we want to come to Christ without the heart surgery so we do everything in our power to look presentable on the outside. 

This always fails because our hearts end up failing in what Christ leads us thru.  Just as a person who needs a physical heart transplant can’t climb Mount Everest, so a person who needs a spiritual heart transplant can’t climb the path God has for him or her.  The heart of the matter is truly the matter of the heart. 

I think about who Julie was before her rebellion in her early twenties. She had a beauty that she has long forgotten. As I look at the pictures of her late teens and early twenties I can see in her eyes show the life that was in her and her contenance revealed a priceless purity.  She was a woman of virtue.  A woman of truth.    I saw glimpses of that young woman in Julie – glimpses that attracted me to her.  I wish I would have met Julie before.   I pray someday the glimpses I saw will reappear and grow to into a living reality for Julie and our children.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I miss sex less than company

You know, when you think about it sex is a massive part of any relationship. It always has been a part of mine; i’m afraid i can’t stay with someone who doesn’t keep me physically satisfied any more than i could be with someone who was dumb (yeah i’m an intellectual snob get over it).

But now i have been single for getting on for 6 months i find that it’s the other parts of being in a relationship that i miss more than the sweaty bedroom fun. I miss talking, walking, just hanging out with someone who wants to be with me for no other reason than i am who i am. Is this symptomatic of having a smallish circle of real-life friends to hang out with or is it just that with everyone other than a significant other there is an agenda to most meetings?

I miss Sunday morning lie-ins, tea and toast in bed, i miss giggling about things that other people just don’t get. I miss the phone call to ask obscure trivia questions and i miss being ‘got’ by someone.

Then again, given the circumstances of my last 2 breakups i like being single much more than being in a relationship with someone who is too scared to tell me when it’s over and i definitely like being single more than i like being cheated on.

it’s a fine line…how do you know when to cross it and with who?

Ice Cracking: A Deconstruction of Intimacy in Marriage

The lake freezes in mid-winter.  The icy sheet looks solid.  If you walk on it, you’ll get far enough thinking that all is well.  And then you hear it.  Pop!  Crack!  The ice is cracking.


It starts off with sex becoming less frequent.  It’s not that either spouse thinks the diminishing frequency of sex is healthy.  It has more to do with a cultural expectation that the quality and quantity of sex naturally diminishes.  It also has to do with the passive acceptance that exponentially increasing responsibilities displace opportunities for sexual intimacy.


In time, spouses adapt to a marriage where sex occurs monthly rather than weekly.  Couples will continue to complain and justify how ‘the other’ is the problem.  Intimate connection will be replaced with masturbation, pornography…and/or chocolate.  The attention of opposite-sex coworkers and acquaintances begin to appeal to us more.  Before you know it, a husband or wife is sharing intimate details of their sexual troubles and yearnings with someone other than their spouse.  And ‘the other’ in whom they are confiding is slowly (or not so slowly) drawn into a pseudo-intimate relationship…acting as a cheap and insubstantial surrogate for a sexually absentee spouse.


The ice is cracking.


Sex isn’t the most important thing in a marriage.  Sex is an important thing in marriage.   If the previous two statements seem contradictory to you then think about heat.  Yes, heat.  Heat isn’t the most important thing in life.  Heat is important.  It’s important situationally.  It’s important for cocoa, winter days, baths and cooking.


When a couple underestimates the power and purpose of sex, they begin that long dangerous walk onto a thin icy sheet.  Confiding intimate personal information to others while withholding your truest feelings from your spouse, spending undisclosed time with opposite sex friends, imagining what it would like to not be married and growing resentment toward one’s spouse…is the ice cracking.


If you are close enough to dry land, you can just turn around and walk back to save yourself.  In other words, open up lines of communication.  Become transparent and work hard to restore a sense of intimacy to your marriage.  Sometimes, we are too far out and need help.  Counseling has to be an option for the couple who acknowledges they lack the tools to fix what may be broken.


Some will say that diminishing frequency of sex means there is something else wrong in the marriage.  Maybe.  Or it may just be that sex is the one area in our marriage that few people speak to us positively about.  We hear it’s suppose to be bad and behave accordingly. 


Whatever the circumstance that got you on to the ice…get off!  (Did I just say that?) Visit us at, your married couples intimacy store!  Subscribe to our newsletter.


Listen to our beta podcasts on marriage and intimacy at

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hate Mail

I was never much of a Boyzone fan. Even so, the recent, and very sudden, death of Boyzone star Stephen Gately came as a shock. I vividly recall the time he came out as being gay 10 years ago. Perhaps he was the first ‘boy band’ or pop star to actually admit he was gay. Admittedly, the newspapers were going to out him anyway, but he chose to fight them by giving his side of the story, rather than desperately trying to cling on to the façade of boy-band normality – toned bodies and screaming teenage girls.

He could have tried going to the courts for a gagging order, but he took the right path and became even more of a hero to his fans – some of them probably struggling with their own sexuality – for doing so.

The nature of his death was certainly unusual. It’s not all that normal for a 33-year-old to just go to bed one evening and die. However, the initial results from the post mortem don’t indicate anything more unusual than a big night out and a joint or two being smoked. He had liquid on the lungs. That could easily have been from vomit during his sleep, possibly as a result of drinking too much, but none of us really know what happened until further information is released. It’s clear that there was no drugs binge or suicide though – it looks like a tragic accident.

Yet, take a look at what Jan Moir has been writing about Gately in the Daily Mail. What a filthy, disgusting, degraded piece of pond life she must be to write such an article in a national newspaper that just spills over with hatred and intolerance. She talks of ‘Robbie, Amy, Kate, Whitney, Britney’ as stars we should expect to go next – what kind of journalism is that?

Why does she make the assumption that people who live a different life to her all end up suffering an early death?

Why does she not accept that even stars can sometimes suffer fatal accidents or mishaps?

Why does she allude to Gately’s homosexuality as a fatal flaw that caused his death?

Why does she openly question the validity of civil unions, just because of Gately’s death and the recent suicide of Kevin McGee?

The Daily Mail is generally known as the Hate Mail where I come from. It’s a nasty paper read by nasty people who despise freedom, liberty, equality, and the values of the majority of people who live in the UK. Jan Moir once again demonstrates how the paper has earned this reputation, but it appears to me that she has gone too far this time. If the financial supporters of the paper – the advertisers like Marks and Spencer – are now asking for their adverts to be moved away from her page then surely it’s time for the editor to do something?

Sack her. Let her enjoy a holiday from hate.

Wash Me Clean

Words & Music by Dustin Samuel

All my sins, all my stains, all the guilt and all my shame I give them up, give them to You, wash me clean All my pride, my selfish ways, my lazy heart & all the wasted days I give them up, give them to You, wash me clean

Lord I say that I surrender, but I don’t even know what that means All I know is that You’re the only 1 who can make my life complete Lord I wanna give You everything but I want what I want more Would You come now w/Your mercy, show me how to let that go To give it up, give it to You, wash me clean

All my rights, claims 2 fame, all that’s “fair” & all that hides the pain I give them up, give them to You, wash me clean All my good, my gifts from You, even the very best that I can do I give it up, give it to You, wash me clean

Lord I say that I surrender, but I don’t even know what that means All I know is that You’re the only 1 who can make my life complete Lord I wanna give You everything but I want what I want more Would You come now w/Your mercy, show me how to let that go To give it up, give it to You, wash me clean

Oh, where is it written that I’m entitled to anything? And who seared it into my mind that I deserve what my eyes see Jesus come and break the power of the lies that I’ve believed Father release me from me

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Folge 15: Die nackte Marge Simpson und die mystische KuH

Medien-KuH Nummer 15 gibt sich mystisch. Denn wie ein roter Faden werden sich heute die Zahl 7 und das Thema Bibel und Religion durch die gesamte Episode ziehen. Angefangen bei ProSieben: zum ersten Advent plant der Sender einen „Disney Day“. Dazu wird sich auch die On-Air-Verpackung des Münchner Senders ändern.
„Poptitan“ Bohlen äußert sich zu den Rundfunkgebühren und findet, dass diese doch eigentlich nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind. Sein Vorschlag, was man mit dem überschüssigen Geld anfangen könnte, in der KuH.

Laienmagier Uri Geller erobert die Welt; das ProSieben-Format „The next Uri Geller“ darf nun auch in Griechenland mit skeptischen Blicken bewundert werden. Dennoch hat es der Löffelbieger nicht zum „KuH der Woche“ geschafft. Dieser Titel geht in dieser Woche an Marge Simpson, die sich für den US-Playboy nackig machte.

Weitere Themen: Neues vom Titelschmutz und aus der Filmwelt, Körbers Filmschule bespricht dieses Mal „Sieben“ mit Morgan Freeman und Brad Pitt und natürlich findet auch wieder die Auslosung des nächsten Films statt, der besprochen werden muss.

Neue Aktion: Wir suchen Deutschlands meiste und beste Radio-Claims – Ihr seid gefragt!

(Länge: 1:26 Std.)

Marge Simpson im US-Playboy

Book Review - Broken Walls and Those Called to Repair Them

Kevin D. Kirkland’s Broken Walls is a story straight from the heart of a pastor. Drawing on the biblical account of Nehemiah, the call is made to each of us to ‘awaken, and strengthen what remains.’

Beginning with a prayer written on the day of the school shooting at Virginia Tech, and continuing to the story of Orpha, a twelve year old orphaned girl in Kenya raped and abused by those who should have been protecting her,  it is clear his heart is for  the youth.

Apathy and prideful indifference is discussed much and blame is placed squarely where it belongs, on each of us who turn our eyes and indulge our own desires while our children pay the ultimate price.

Of great interest to me where the following statements regarding children (twelve year olds) and what they are not doing …

  • They are not producing pornography for the internet.
  • They are not making PG-13 movies full of foul language, violence and sex.
  • They are not making or trafficking drugs into our country.
  • They are not voting on legislation allowing same sex marriage and abortion.
  • They are not producing MTV.
  • They are not divorcing one another at record numbers.
  • They are not working sixty hours a week neglecting themselves.
  • They are not choosing to drag themselves to live with mom’s new boyfriend.
  • They are not dropping themselves off at the mall for hours unattended.
  • They are not in charge of the schools they endure every day.
  • They are not definitely not filling our pulpits with false gospel.
  • …All of these things are being done by adults.

In response to why he keeps a ‘morbid and gory’ photo on his mantle alongside beautiful photos of his family and friends, he states “Because it reminds me of the reality that is our world and on those days I am asleep at the wheel, it awakens  me to the Truth. Then, I remember our desperate need of a Savior.”

There were many times while reading this book I had to stop and repent of my own apathy to the children of this present time. I recommend this book highly for all leaders, teachers, parents, and/or even young people.  The future is being shaped by our actions today and the ‘effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much’.

Though I would like to keep this book on hand, I have donated it to my church urging all the leaders who will to read it.

# Paperback: 276 pages
# Publisher: Xulon Press (January 23, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 160791266X
# ISBN-13: 978-1607912668

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not Gay Just Uruguayan

Some time ago I found this article called “Surprising Ways in Gay Uruguay” it was originally written in 1999 but updated in 2007.  In this piece the writer makes observations based on conversations with men from Argentina and Uruguay.

“”I don’t think he is completely gay”, he mused. Then he added, “but he could be. The way of life here in Uruguay is not so rigid as in Argentina. Guys here are not so strong in their behavior; sex with another guy is not the opposite of being with a girl”, Carlo observed with mixed feelings.

This was the first of several opinions I would hear about the Uruguayan ‘way’, an attitude about sexual behavior that is less categorical, less polarized than in other South American countries.”

This ‘Uruguayan way’ I discovered for myself after spending one year in Maldonado – a small-ish town right next to the popular tourist spot called Punta Del Este – was something new to me. I grew up in a ‘religious’ based western society were pressure from those establishments forces men to choose – your either straight, gay or bi – but you cannot just be a human with fluid sexual desires. You are turned into a rigid ‘thing’. A product that can be sold too. And a product that can be sold.

I was in my mid to late 20’s – and living with family. At that time my family was not aware of my sexual tastes. So, it was a very ‘hetero’ world I was in.

So I thought – But it turns out that Uruguayan men are not so easily defined. Uruguay is a fiercely secular country, with a strong anti-religion attitude. The notion of being categorised just doesn’t seem appropriate to them. In fact – categorisation is more than likely seen as a form of control. Not that this attitude is spoken of. In fact – it is exactly that – an unspoken attention to nature.

The men there are ‘machistas’ (male-chauvinists) but, I was surprised by the lack of serious homophobia amongst men. Yes, there are jokes, but those same men that make jokes would also be willing to have a bit of fun (privately), while not seeing that as a threat to their masculinity or their heterosexuality. In fact, not performing would make you less of a man. Where as in this society – if a straight man were to have sex with another man – he is subject to rigid religious notions.

Despite this attitude – Uruguayan men are mostly hetero. But some men are also strictly homosexual.

I have always said that what causes the strictly Gay or Straight identity is the influence of religion. And if you remove such chains -the world opens up like a flower. With it’s sweet nectar. A playground, in fact. As it is naturally meant to be.

The article continues…

“”We talked about Uruguay’s history over the past century, which has been noticeably different than it’s volatile and violent neighbors of Argentina and Brazil, He agreed about the strong control of the Catholic Church and military juntas in those countries.

In contrast, “Uruguay has only had one feeble military attempt to run the country, in the seventies, which failed”. Before and after that church and state have been separate for many decades resulting in a more secular Uruguayan modern tradition.

Sexual attitudes have consequently developed into less rigid and fearful mindsets. Ambi-sexuality is more common here especially among younger men who tend to be more at ease and fluctuate between gay and straight on their way to maturity.”"

It’s interesting to note that “ambi-sexuality” amongst the youth in Australia is also on the rise. But, let’s just keep that a secret for now.  

It’s been sometime since i’ve been back to Uruguay – but I intend on going there next year. It’ll be interesting to see how, and if attitudes have changed.

Waste Not, Want Not (by Rebecca Chasteen)

is so tricky;

It’s so easy
to get someone to love
how you look in their bed.

It’s so easy to
be wanted
and ride that high
there’s no where to land
what changed while you were up there.

It’s so hard to tell
when words are as real as they can be
and when they’re bargains for heavy breaths
(or the heavy breaths, bargains for words- we all know how that works).

It’s hard to tell
when everyone’s on the same page
and when
by some slight of had
the page turns-
love and lust
instead of having them become one
all in the same.

People lie and say
it doesn’t matter, no strings attached.
Never believe that.
Sex has never been
clean cut.
There has never been
“just a fuck”.

Bodies are driven, have motives, have spirits-
everything means something.
it should be a rule-
we have to love the ones we fuck,
no matter what.

And we have to trust the ones we love-
Isn’t that equation clear enough?
Take the guess work out of it.
Make it count.

We should demand to refuse
so bent on wreckage-
so concerned only with
their moment.

Sex should be fun
as much as is it should be love.

Make it matter (because it already does).

Waste no

Minimize nothing
with manipulation or make believe.
We owe our lovers all the honesty we’ve got
(and we should love the ones we fuck).

Waste no
heart’s efforts
with tricks and games
(where not everyone’s a player, but everyone gets played).

Waste not-
bodies or hearts
or want not-
right from the start.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dove's Confusing Message for Women

This particular commercial won two Golden Lions at Cannes. At its most basic, the dominant message that the advertisement wants to convey to us is this: the images we see on billboards, on television, and magazines are fake, constructed, an idealised form of beauty that may not be possible to achieve in real life.  This is, of course, made clear by the tagline at the end — “No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted”. Also, it fits in well with Dove’s ongoing “Real Beauty” campaign.

But isn’t this commercial conveying a couple of other messages that to a certain extent undercut this dominant idea that Dove wants us to get.

For instance, isn’t it also telling women that makeup can alter your appearance so that you look much better?

Here’s another — isn’t it claiming that now, even average looking girls can become models? Don’t worry, we’ll tidy it up in post-production.

The most interesting questions that arises for me, however, are these: Who decides what the current beauty ideal is going to be? Is it one individual with  a Mac and a mouse?

My Persian girlfriend I slept with doing Cocaine.

She bent over with her luscious boobs and ass that is outstanding and has the width a man looks for. She snorted the line of cocaine. I snorted next. My boobs not as big and ass not as large, but hot all the same. Different girls, me a blonde next door, her a Persian goddess.

High, we slipped into bed together. We giggled and talked for a while. She told me stories from Iran, and then her move to Germany. We kissed and played with each other. She had a orgasm out of this world, I never knew.

Then she went down on me. This was glory. I became a wet mess in no time, she licked me clean, all the filth away. We have school in the morning, so we did another line to giggle to and kissed each  other good night. She is a naughty girl. So am I.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

date 7: the hipster, part 928320

Seriously. I’ve gone on so many dates with him I can’t count them now. It’s bizarre.

So after dinner one night, we finally go back to his place. I’m kinda nervous about it. I mean, the first night at someone’s place is always awkward and I’ve never gone home with a guy I met online. This is my first. For all I know he could have like taxidermied cats or live with his grandma.

I went to a show with him last week. You knew that was coming, the music snobbery had to take us somewhere. His roommate was there too, waiting for a girl with a very suggestive screen-name. It turns out he had never actually called the girl, only talked via text. When he called to ask where the hell she was — a guy answered. He hasn’t really seen body shots so the idea of she being a him wasn’t entirely implausible. It’s funny because he’s a good looking guy but apparently he’s just down to hookup whenever with whatever. I’m just washing myself down in Purell when I sit on their couch.

Anyway. Back to the other night — We stood on his balcony and drank wine and talked. If I summarized everything he said about relationships — it would sound awful.

As we’re standing there (he’s a little drunk) he says “I wonder if it’s possible to just have a girl to have sex with and just hangout with your friends. You know, I have great friends. I don’t really need a relationship.” Once it came out, I think he wished he could stuff it back in but, too late. He also said he broke up with flight attendant girl because she said she could see herself with him. Forever. He also mentioned how they dated for 5 months and technically were “bf/gf” but they never called each other that. I admit that stuff freaks me out too but it seems his track record is getting scared and running away. I have my guard up. I don’t want to waste my time and really like this guy.

So last night I bring it up at dinner. I’m just honest. I’m like “What do you want? It seems like you just get freaked out. That these girls are too intense. I mean to be honest, the stuff you’ve said — it’s not really lulling me into dating you.”

We talked about it and he admitted he just dated the wrong girls. He tried to make it work when it wasn’t and was bored/complacent too much of the time. He said it’s not a matter of him not wanting a girlfriend, it’s that he just hasn’t met her.

Last night we were hooking up and he knees me in the vagina. I’m not even kidding. He gave it to me in the baby maker. It was so awkward. Apparently my pussy is made of steel because it didn’t really hurt for more than a moment.

We almost had sex and I knew we shouldn’t. I want to take things slow. I want to know where things are going before we’re jumping into bed and cooking pancakes. Honestly, pancakes in the morning are such a convincing way to get me to sleep with you. I told him I had a rule. I didn’t want to go on about but I was just like “Nah we shouldn’t…I can’t.”
He’s like “Well come on, what’s the rule? Do you not want to?”
“Well I don’t just have sex with people…”
“Okay…I respect that. How do they go from a person to someone you’d have sex with…?”
“I’d be with them. We’d be together.”
“How do you both know when you’re with … each other?”
“I think you should both know. Talk about it. You’re on the same page.”
“Well I’m willing to wait until we both know.”

I don’t know why, but I thought that was a very nice thing to say.

He wants to hangout all the time which is nice. But at the same time it worries me. I don’t want it to burnout. I want to take it slow.

I’ll take it slow..

PS. this is for you Blondie.

PPS. I don’t offer to pay anymore. I don’t even touch my wallet.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Schwerter zu Pflugscharen und Hoden zu Medizinbällen

Ganz neu im Buchhandel: “Sex-Deutsch / Deutsch – Sex” (Langenscheidt, 9,95 Euro).
Zusammengeschustert von dem ewigen Basketballtalent Lilo Wanders und der gefühlt 150-jährigen Erika Berger.
Untertitel: Nie mehr sprachlos im Bett!
Drinnen lese ich, dass durch einen Parasiten mein Hoden auf die Größe eines Medizinballs anschwellen kann und dass Dr. Jörn Ege Siana dank 1.100 OPs einen dänischen Penis von 5 cm auf 14,5 cm aufgepäppelt hat.

Na, ich weiß nicht, ob ich im Bett mit solchen Geschichten punkten kann.

Übrigens, macht Langenscheidt eigentlich auch noch so Sachen wie “Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch”, diese Dings …. Wörterbücher?


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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Naked Man Flees After Groping Sleeping Teen

Police are searching for a man who broke into a woman’s bedroom and fondled her.

The 18-year-old Sioux Falls woman awoke in her bed when she felt someone pushing her, police spokesman Sam Clemens said.

She told officers she saw a naked man standing over her and touching her, Clemens said. He ran out of the room when she screamed, Clemens said.

Her brother heard the scream and saw the man run out the front door, Clemens said.

The door to the home, on South Dundee Drive, which the victim shares with her brother, was unlocked.

Sex in Inappropriate Places - HER perspective

Last night…ahhhh…last night was amazing.  I had no hope that we would have time alone together. And with the weather, I didn’t think sex in the park was going to happen either, so I had resigned myself to the idea that sex would likely not occur.

But when I got his text that suggested that there might just be a possibility for alone time I was elated! Even more so, when I arrived at the place we would meet and he was waiting for me outside. We were both a little nervous. This place was somewhere that neither of us had ever expected to fuck. Yet, here we were, alone and horny.

Inside we kissed and said hello. It had been days since we’d seen each other despite the fact that we had been in constant contact through texts. We both had a busy and long week that had not allowed for us to see one another for more than an hour for a cup of coffee earlier in the week.

He showed me around the place and then headed to the most secluded room, where we would be. He decided to place his shoes back with his things in case someone came and he told me ”you should be wearing fewer clothes when I get back”. I loved how he said that. ; )

I removed my heels and jeans and waited for him in my thong, bra, and shirt. I was unsure whether we would be getting completely naked, as there was a small possibility that someone could come there.  I was still kind of nervous. I don’t know why except that my week had been very stressful and left me somewhat vulnerable AND we were in a place that could cause some problems if we were to be caught.

When he returned and found me with less clothes, he moved forward to remove my thong. He wanted to warm me up with an orgasm and so he finger fucked me standing up and I came easily. It was so good to feel his touch, to kiss his lips, and to be close to him.  When I reached down and felt that his cock was not yet hard, I immediately wanted to take advantage of this moment.

I love to make him hard with my mouth. I enjoy the sensation as he gradually grows longer, harder, and bigger in my mouth as I suck his cock. I prefer to do this while he is standing and I am kneeling so I can grab his ass.  He let me work on him for a while, then made me stop so he could go down on me.

He had me sit on a counter and then he got on his knees and put his head between my legs and inserted his tongue into my wet slit. I moaned instantly, it felt so good, so amazing, so ahhhhhhhh. I hadn’t had his face buried between my legs in way too long and I couldn’t help but enjoy this moment. I grabbed his hair with my hands, occasionally squeezed his head with my legs, and moaned loudly as I came multiple times. 

Then we switched positions and he was sitting on the counter while I gave him head and sucked his cock. He won’t let himself cum though. But enjoys getting to a point where he wants to come before making me stop. After awhile he had me sit back on the counter and he went down on me again. He used his fingers and his mouth this time and hit my g-spot. 

The g-spot orgasm was intense as always and he knows exactly where it is and how to stimulate it best. I can’t imagine how loud I was. I just kept cuming and cuming and I couldn’t stop or control it. Nor did I want to, so I didn’t. I waited for him to tell me to be quiet, but he did not do that and instead kept hitting my spot over and over again.

At this point he fucked me while I sat on the counter. Having him slide his cock inside of me felt so good that it almost caused an immediate orgasm. I love that cock! I love how it feels inside of me! I could fuck that cock 24 hours a day! He must of hit the g-stop with his cock then because I once again was moaning and reacting with the same intensity as I do with the g-spot. I kept wrapping my legs around his waist as he pounded into me, all the while I had unending orgasms. As soon as one would stop, the next one would start up again. 

When I came down (for a minute) from one of the orgasms, he told me to suck his cock clean. So I got on my knees and did just that. Then he wanted to fuck me while I leaned up against the table. We did this for a while but the angle and height were just not right, so we moved back to the counter.

We both really liked this position and I had several more orgasms during this time as well. Then he told me he wanted me to ride him, so he layed on the floor while I mounted him. While he’s fucking me or when I’m fucking him, he is always looking at me. He watches me with open eyes and an intense look on his face. His eyes never leave my face. He says he likes to watch me cum. Sometimes when I start cuming intensely right after a previous orgasm he will laugh a little, surprised by yet another orgasm.

The sheer number of orgasms and the intensity that accompanies each one is a testament to his ability to read my body. On top, I cum a few more times with my body held tightly to his and our mouths together at times. Then he wants to fuck me from top, so I sit up, suck his cock a little and then lay back.  He hopes to cum in my mouth and so he plans to tell me when he is going to cum so I can sit up and take him in my mouth. This usually goes well but mostly when he is standing up and taking me from behind, it is more difficult when we are both lying down in missionary position, so when he comes I try to take his load in my mouth, but somehow miss and we believe it ended up on the floor. Although we aren’t sure. : ) A present yet to be found by someone else we presume.

After this fucking session, which was about an hour of pure passion, I am sweaty and hot. We get dressed and try to freshen up before heading out for dinner and drinks. I don’t look nearly as good as I did when I got there as my make up is screwed up, my hair is in tangles, and well I’m a mess. But I feel a thousand times better so I don’t give a fuck.

At dinner, we have a riot. Laughing, joking, and teasing one another. We love to do this. I love to tease and be teased and he is the same way. We both can be so sarcastic at times, but it is never lost on the other. We are the other one’s sarcastic equal. 

After dinner we take a walk in the park. It’s warm enough to walk but I’m in heels so I don’t want to walk much so we choose a bench. He asks me to stick my hand in his pants and rub his cock. “Absolutely” I think.  We aren’t really secluded and there are lights around us, but it is dark and chilly so there are only a few people around. I reach into his jeans and pull out his cock.

He nozzles my neck and we kiss sweetly while I rub his cock with his favorite finger tip motion. I’m looking around to see if I could put my head down there and give him head for a while, but I am thinking probably not. He is thinking this to. We decide to get up and go to the spot where we had sex last week, but there is someone near there and he appears not to be leaving anytime soon. We exchange a few passionate kisses. R says he wishes I was wearing a skirt so he can bend me over and fuck me from behind.  But alas, I am not.

We go back to the bench and I start working on his cock again.  I tell him “you know, I doubt anyone would notice if at the very end I stuck my head down there for just a few minutes”, he agrees. So I continue to stroke his cock and we kiss and nuzzle, it’s a very tender moment actually, full of desire and emotion. When he gets close I know by his body language and I bend down and finish him off with my mouth.  Right there in a wide open area on a park bench lit by a lamp, I gave him head. Heh. When he is done and has his cock safely tucked away, he smiles a huge grin and kisses me. We have had another amazing night together.

I miss you R.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

An Erotic Dream

Standing just under five feet tall Candy was a powerhouse of feminine sexuality and sensuality. Whose lithesome and curvaceous figure sometimes brought her a little more attention from the guys then she wanted. But this time Candy found herself getting laid in the back of a customized black van parked in an out of the way corner of the parking lot of the department store where she worked.

Not by her boyfriend who was supposed to pick her up after work but had somehow become distracted and lost all track of time or perhaps just plain forgot. Of course it wouldn’t have been so bad if it had been her boyfriends voice Candy had heard. Instead of the disembodied feminine voice that had said hello when she’d called her boyfriends cell phone to find out where he was.

So that now Candy found herself straddling the waist of one of her customers who lay on his back on top of the bed built into the very back of his van. Their clothes lying in disarray right where they’d fallen on the carpeted floor after being hastily pulled and tugged off their bodies. The entire length of Candy’s impromptu lover’s rock hard and throbbing cock buried all the way up to its hilt inside the velvety glove of her hot and wet pussy.

With the orbs of Candy’s perky breasts cupped securely within the palms of her impromptu brown haired and sky blue eyed lovers hands. His fingers gently squeezing the ripe and firm orbs of the cashiers mammary glands from time to time while his thumbs rested on top of the circular buttons of Candy’s nipples. Each gentle downward push of her brown haired and sky blue eyed lovers thumbs causing Candy to moan softly as she rose and fell. Her hips propelling the rock hard and throbbing shaft of her impromptu lovers manhood  as far up inside the wetness of her love canal as possible.

Then suddenly without any warning what so ever Candy found herself lying upon her back. All four of her limbs instinctively wrapping themselves about her impromptu lovers muscular and well toned body. Trapped between their bodies Candy’s nipples pressed hard against her brown haired and sky blue eyed lovers chest. As Candy’s impromptu brown haired and sky blue eyed lover reached down and slid his hands beneath her backside. In order to cup the twin ovals of the well endowed cashier’s tight little ass securely within the palms of his hands. Which he intentionally used along with his weight to hold Candy in place beneath his body.

Now it was Candy’s brown haired and sky blued eyed impromptu lovers turn to thrust the entire length of his rock hard and throbbing cock upwards inside the sweetness of the flower of Candy’s womanhood. Bracing his feet against the wall of the van at the foot of the bed harder and harder the only remaining Dark Lord pushed. His hips rising and falling ever faster with the tempo of his movements all the while increasing continuously. Until at last Candy threw back her head and cried out in ecstasy as she came again and again and then some more.

Thirty years later Candy awoke from her vivid and highly charged erotic dream beneath the covers of her bed screaming in ecstasy as her loins climaxed again and again and then some more. Where she lay trembling all over and her heart racing inside her chest as Candy relived the night just after she’d turned twenty. When in the arms of the only remaining Dark Lord she soared ever higher above the clouds of orgasmic bliss.

Israeli Supermodel Catfight. Yee-hah!

Nothing like a good catfight, especially when it involves a couple of Swimsuit Illustrated models.

Esti Ginzberg

This just-reported scrap has blown up when the 19-year old Esti Ginzberg, obviously indoctrinated into her country’s militarist mindset at a young age, has accused  the more sensible Bar Refaeli of being a draft-dodger. Refaeli has so far avoided Israel’s compulsory military service, firstly by getting married, then by leaving the country and hooking up with Leonardo di Caprio.

 Big deal, huge amounts of Israelis dodge the draft: “It is thought that about a third of the eligible population in Israel now avoid being called up for national service and that figure is expected to pass 50 per cent by 2025.”

Bar Refaeli

Anyway, the Israeli girls that do their service are more concerned with how tight they can take in their baggy, military-issue pants so as to show off their asses than they are in shooting an M16 or defending the nation. I should know; I’ve been there several times and checked them out. I also found out that Israelis aren’t very good drinkers. I do like their Goldstar beer, however, and those big chillis they serve as snacks. Hmmm.

Anyway, we’re pacifists here at Notes and would like to see this little spat between the two girls settled using a jello-filled paddling pool and ping pong bats. Ticket anyone?

Additional Note: Going into the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) is no bar (no pun intended) to your modelling career. You can always get into Maxim’s “Girls of the IDF”, just like Gal pictured below:

“I taught gymnastics and calisthenics,” says this flawless former Miss Israel. “The soldiers loved me because I made them fit.”

Yes, Gal, I’m sure that’s why the soldiers loved you.

Gal from the IDF

Saturday, October 3, 2009


jamus is just your normal shy sweet man …but his shyness had prevented him from finding love ..he finds solice in the internet . it helps him fill his urges and his sexual desires .jamus has the biggest insasiable urge to pull his cock all day long ..he cant get enough ..he can cum up to 14 times a day on a good day and 5 would be his worst effort .he has tryed meeting women in bars n clubs …he sits at the bar watching them and getting aroused .as soon as they come close to him at the bar instead of speaking to them …he will jizz in his pants there and then right infront of them and they dont even know it .Some would suggest he is that creepy litle man siting at the bar watching all the women then goes out and wanks off … ..well infact ..that is all true ..that is who jamus is ..he is who he is and thats creepy … he dosnet really mean to be creepy n shit ..its just his shyness makes him seem like that … when a gilr goes anywhere near him at the bars his mind just freezes in utter fear..his mother was so protective of him / never let him date at all told him girls were the devils work and his cock will fall of if there venom dripped on his dick . she was a cruel mother feeding his mind with allsorts of sadistic stuff .everytime he tried to rebel as a young teen …she had her evil ways of scaring him about the out side world that he eventualy stopped goin out she feed on his fears .his misserable life consumed her every thought .. her control of him was so tight .she didnt even allow him to go out and work …even as he hit his 20;s he couldnt stand up to her .she over powered his every move .she was the master and he the mere slave to her ..he adored her thou in a sick sort of way / she ws the only women he say for amny many years his desires became about her ..his sexual dreams about her .his fantasys became about her ..his mind all twisted and fucked . but he knew no diffrent in the world .his world was in the house and with her …the women he called mother .she shopped ..she fed him she washed his clothes and when he was sick she bathed him .while washing him down one night in the shower she lathered up the sponge and began washing him down ..she wasnt the gentlest of women either ..she was scrubbing and rubbing him down …he got a little stiffy right infront of her face … she got so angry she raised her hand up high and with an tremendous thud ..down hame her whole open hand on his hard penis ..slapping it done again and again over and over as jamus curled in the shower she kept beating his cock . calling him a dirty firthy satan whore ..

it was to jamus ;s terror one morning when he noticed mummy hadnt woken up or made him his breakfast …”strange he thought ” he got out of bed and peered out the door all in the house was deadly silent he walked down the creeky dark hallway . at the end was his mothers bedroom ..her door still shut he could see that down strais was still dark the curtains have not been opened yet ..his mummy had not beeen up at all … his hand reached out to her doorknob …as he twisted it he pushed the door slowly open .there right infront of him was his mummy still in her bed … she looked asleep :jamus thout he got closer to her quietly calling to her ; mummy : mummy are you ok … he reached over to her fce …she was so cold …colder then there fridge even …so icy cold jamus knew ….his dearly beloved mummy had died … he leaned over her limp body and cryed

as the months went by .. his uncle bob took on the role of caring for jamus ..but uncle bob didnt live there jamus was all alone …he was given a computer and was set up on the internet …. jamus had to learn himself how to use it uncle bob only ever came to drop of food suplys then he left . jamus was feeling very lonely …he then fell upon a website called .. blonde slutty bimbos . he filled in his details and entered the dark cyber room . it was an empty room with chains on the walls . then he heard a voice …”do you wont to come in ” oh yes jamus replied ,. ‘ a voice then spoke … enter the dungeon or the palace .. jamus didnt even know what a palace was so he went into the dungeon room .there he could see a naked cartoon lady ….” do you wont to touch me she said in a very seductive voice ..then a page came up asking for credic card details …jamus in his excitement found a card in his mummys old purse that he kept typed in the number and pressed enter .. as he sat there waiting ..nothing happend it went all quiet …..then all of a sudden a big screen poped up on his computer was a webcam and behind it was this gorgoeus amazing stunning blonde bomb shelll of a women … she was sitting there in her chair with a bra and see throu nighty ..her hair was blonde shiny and bouncy her lips bright red her skin glowing she began speaking to jamus .and a conversation began… .she asked jamus to get naked before her and he had to call her misstress …oh this excited jamus so much it reminded him of the power his mummy had on him … his mistress knew what he needed ..she made him kneel on all 4s before her naked .. she had him barking like a dog truning around and waggin his tail ..”good boy good boy jamus .she continuously tells him …’do you trust me jamus …she asks him ..;really trust me jamus …. ” oh yes jamus tells her with his tounge hangin out his mouth still playin g the dog role ..his eyes so brighty open wide just awaiting her next comand … jamus do you have any bananas …”yes yes jamus answers quiky .. ‘go get me your big fat bananas jamus theres a good pet ” as she sits there stroking her clevage infront of him …… he goes gets the two biggest he can find and brings then back ,he sits back on the bed on all fours again before his misstress …” he offeres them to her ….she tells him to peel one and lick it . Now jamus .she says sweety to him as she leans closer to the camera and pulls out one nipple …. Lick it for me again like it was my husbands cock … lick it up and down all the way jamus ….”yes mistress .. he puts on a gloriious show for he licking the banana up and down ….:now my sweetest pet jamus … i wont you to insert it into your mouth deeply and suck it off for me .: show me how much you love me sweet jamus . so jamus does exactly as he is ordered sucking is of so deeply turning him on his cock hardens she brings out bother her breast and fondles them infront of him …he goes as deep as he can with the babana in his mouth almost gagging on it for her ” oh jamus you are turning me on so much …now get the other banana ….” yes jamus imediatly gets the other banana for her .he shows it to her for her aporval …” this is good she tells him …. i wont you to insert this up your anus for me …. please … she then stands up infront of the cam and takes of her undies lifting her nighty to show jamus her exposed shaved pussy her long nails touching each side ……” oh god jamus is so hard he will now do anything his misstress asks of him he turns around on the bed … and begins to push the tip into his ass . but he struggles to get it in any further and begins to tear up infront of her so very sad and disapointed he cant plaease her .” jamus my pet .she says gently … go and place a condom on it and let us try again together just then she pulls out her very own 10 inch dildo and sucks the top of it …jamus hurrys to cover it with the condom and trys again to insert it up his ass again this time he gets in in even further and it didnt even hurt ….he sees her from the corner as she sits legs spread on her chair rubbing this enormous cock against her pussy . jamus gets the enormous urge to ram his ass with the banana just liek she is with that dilso they both ram themselves together in motion a,love scene from a porn movie in they both go …out they both go at the same time .. her head lies back her mouth open as she enjoys the pleasure its bringing .jamus does the same with his banana the sensation its giving him while watching her is so intence his cock begins to drip .his bana moves faster and deeper in his asshole the pleasue is so sweet so powerful his anas throbba as he feels an orgams about to hit …..she is banging her pussy so hard screaming and ylleing his name …. jamus bending over raming and raming his ass with the banana his cock can get no harder no fatter .no bigger ,as they both cum together in a mass of juices and jamus;s cum exploding from his cock all over his computer screen her legs shake as she reaches her highs she then sits up comes close to the camera with her face ..tells jamus how amazing he is …how she would love to see him again … tells him she adores his faithfulness and trust in her ..jamus promiese to come back again and see her ….just like lightening she vanished and jamus is back in the cartoon room again

Netball group sex scandal

What has the world come to?

It’s okay to broadcast rugby league sex scandals, but when someone takes the piss out of a sex scandal on the other foot, people get outraged. Outrage at ABC TV Hungry Beast Liz Ellis group sex skit was published on from the Daily Telegraph on 02 October 2009.

The advertised skit was broadcast at the end of the Hungry Beast as a taster for the next episode. The embedded video associated with this article shows a clear parody between the Cronulla sex scandal Four Corners interview and an alleged group sex incident with the Australian Netball team and Liz Ellis.

Why is this so wrong? Well, it isn’t, but watch the video and make your own judgement.

The Hungry Beast is a current affairs/comedy crossover show similar to the Chaser’s War on Everything. Okay, maybe they shouldn’t have mentioned specific names of players in the skit, but this is satire, not news and why must we be so politically correct. NRL has copped a flogging this year with almost every scandal under the sun, so why is it so hard to believe that similar scandals couldn’t affect other sports like netball.

The referenced Daily Telegraph article is very limited, but effective, in its use of components of an online news article. Apart from the embedded video, the only tools which makes it different from print, is a link to the TV Guide and related news stories.

Links to the ABC TV/Hungry Beast site could have been included, but despite the negative spin of the article for the show, it has generated a lot of interest on the Most Popular Entertainment story list and will certainly attract scores of new viewers for next weeks episode.

As the for the skit, I hope the ABC comes to its senses, stops being overly politically correct, and airs that skit in its entirety.

View the latest hilarity at the Hungry Beast website.

Hungry Beast on ABC1 from 30 Sep 09

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not my fault! Top 5 actual porn surfing excuses...

As Duffster found out not so long ago, even the most unlikely candidates turn up with porn on their hard drives. So what are the top five excuses for being caught with your pants down?

Er... I was searching for old school friends, honest!

Excuse #5 – Accident – An Edith Cowan University study warned parents it would be their fault for “allowing children to surf the internet unsupervised and unfiltered”. The study added, “while most 16 to 17-year-old boys admit to viewing online pornography, they claim it’s accidental”.

Excuse #4 – Stress Relief - Not everyone excuses their porn-viewing behavior as accidental. James Pacenza, a former IBM employee and Vietnam vet, claimed watching porn at work helped him overcome post-traumatic stress disorder. When IBM sacked him, Pacenza sued for $5 million claiming he deserves treatment and sympathy rather than dismissal.

Excuse #3 – Ignorance - Ohio Democrat and State Rep. Matthew Barrett was giving a lecture to 20 students in the senior government class at Norwalk High School. He inserted a memory stick in his computer and a projected image of a topless woman appeared. After police interviewed him, Barrett said, “I have no idea where these came from”.

Excuse #2 – Bestial Interference - As Duffster noted in this post, Florida man, Keith Griffin, was charged this August with possessing over 1,000 child porn images. When interviewed by police, Griffin claimed he had left the room while downloading music and his cat had jumped on the keyboard. When he returned he found “strange things” on his computer.

Excuse #1 – Philanthropy - Fresh in and straight to the top spot, this is my current favourite. A senior official at the National Science Foundation, which receives $6 billion a year in US government funds, has recently been busted for “repeatedly and excessively” surfing porn sites at the office. 20% of his work hours were spent having “sexually explicit chats” with women online. Investigators put the cost to taxpayers of the porn surfing at between $13,800 and about $58,000. When confronted the official explained he frequented the porn sites to “provide a living to the poor overseas women” and claimed, “these young women are from poor countries and need to make money to help their parents and this site helps them do that.

Mother Teresa didn't even have dial-up - Nightmare!

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